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Neutrinovoltaic: The energy supply solution when oil and gas are phased out

Neutrinovoltaic: The energy supply solution when oil and gas are phased out

As a result of global warming, humanity has been compelled to adopt drastic steps to save human existence on Earth. The governments and corporate organizations of the world’s wealthiest nations are taking the first significant moves to at least slow down the pace at which the average yearly temperature is rising.

The first and most apparent approach is to dramatically cut emissions of greenhouse gases from energy generating and transportation sources, such as automobiles and industrial processes.

To attain the aforementioned objectives, the world is going in two directions:

First and foremost, it is essential to implement the most recent technological advancements and innovations that lower the energy requirements of appliances, equipment, machinery, and machineries. Moreover, it must be acknowledged that significant progress has been made: lighting is being converted to LEDs, electrical appliances (such as computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices) are becoming increasingly energy efficient, and the fuel efficiency of cars and planes has become a requirement for their successful sales.

Second, alternative green energy is slowly but steadily increasing market share in power production. Unfortunately, despite the undeniable success of new technology development, global demand for electricity is increasing due to an increase in robotics and general human welfare, which leads to the replacement of manual labor with automated and increased purchases of electrical equipment and appliances in many sectors of the economy.

Due to the insecurity of their production and reliance on weather conditions, electricity sources such as solar and wind cannot account for a major portion of the whole balance or need specific energy storage devices, which are not economically possible at the moment.

Talking about phasing out internal combustion engines and switching to electric cars has become trendy. Modern electric vehicles, on the other hand, are even more harmful than current models of gasoline-powered automobiles to the environment, according to proponents of this shift. It is no longer focused on highways and cities, but rather on the sites where fossil fuels are burnt in order to provide the power required for electric automobiles.

Another drawback is the environmental impact of battery manufacture. These metals all need a lot of energy to mine. There is also the issue of recycling old batteries, which may be a challenge when dealing with large manufacture of batteries for electric cars and energy storage systems. The electrolyte and used batteries will be dumped in landfills, won’t they? And what kind of harm would it cause to the environment and the economy?

New battery developments have been widely publicized in recent months. Examples of such batteries include Brighsun New Energy’s lithium-sulphur batteries, which after 1700 cycles of charge/discharge in 30 minutes lost just 9 percent of their capacity, despite lithium-ion batteries’ ability to survive roughly 1500 cycles, according to the company’s engineers. Using glass doped with reactive alkali metals (such as lithium or sodium) as the electrolyte, Nobel Prize winner John Goodenough has developed a revolutionary battery technology.

According to the developers, this method increases battery capacity by three times while preserving the same dimensions and weight…. Furthermore, compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries, the lithium-glass power source charges in minutes rather than hours, according to developer Maria Helena Braga.

BYD, a Chinese corporation, has presented the Blade Battery, a lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) battery with a high energy density. The use of a graphene anode in lithium-ion batteries is also considered as a promising trend, since it increases battery capacity while cutting charging time by a factor of ten. The battery’s load characteristics and service life are also greatly enhanced.

The range of battery types supplied by scientists and professionals, as well as the enhancement of their properties, provide optimism for the development of dependable and inexpensive batteries. However, their broad usage, particularly with the mass transition to electric cars, will raise concerns about the adequacy of lithium supplies and the price of lithium in relation to mass demand. The range between charges is one of the challenging aspects of an electric car, along with its disputed environmental friendliness. In this respect, the automobile industry is currently focusing on expanding battery size, which naturally increases demand for lithium, cobalt, and other precious metals.

However, even the development of dependable, long-lasting, and reasonably priced batteries does not address the major issue: the availability of adequate power to charge them, as well as electricity provided by non-fossil-fuel sources. Of course, solar panels and wind turbines may somewhat compensate for the increased demand for power during the mass transition to electric cars, but their output is unreliable and does not provide an assured, continuous supply of energy.

Power production is rendered ineffective by overcast and windless conditions. Furthermore, the reliance on weather conditions sets constraints on location: solar panels should be installed where there are the sunniest days of the year, and wind turbines should be installed where the wind blows continually, like as on the shore.

The German-American Neutrino Energy Group’s Neutrinovoltaic technology should be given special consideration in the major shift to electric cars and the transition to a greenhouse gas-free economy. This method enables the development of DC power supply with a wide range of size and output characteristics. Because such current sources are small in size, they may be placed within gadgets and equipment that need electricity.

Furthermore, they work in basic mode, and their output characteristics are not affected by the time of day or weather conditions. These power sources are small and compact, enabling them to be put into appliances and devices that need electricity. Furthermore, these power supplies work in basic mode, with output characteristics that are unaffected by time of day or weather conditions. The Neutrino Energy Group’s development is distinguished by its versatility, environmental friendliness, simplicity, use of just inexpensive and readily accessible materials in manufacturing, and lack of the need for maintenance expenditures.

The innovation offers a technical solution for generating distributed power with minimal power losses during current transmission from such sources to the point of consumption, as such microelectric power plants will be installed directly in electrical equipment enclosures.

The energy cell is made up of a series of metal foil plates stacked like a stack of paper. A multi-layer coating comprising alternating layers of graphene and doped silicon with a total thickness of 10-20 nanometers is applied to one side of the plate. The quantity and size of wafers are chosen depending on power needs and overall dimensions.

Graphene has enhanced atomic vibrations, as shown by current science and not denied by anybody. This oscillation of graphene atoms under the effect of electromagnetic radiation and other energy fields prevalent on Earth, both natural and manufactured, including high-energy cosmic neutrinos, brings them into resonance and removes directed electron motion or electric current from the metal foil.

If a steady electrical current source is required to power, say, a single home or an electric vehicle, a Neutrinovoltaic current source may be made up of multiple linked energy cells, depending on the power required.

Developing a Neutrinovoltaic DC power source for electric cars is a critical issue and a necessity for the transition to electric vehicles, and it is one of the intriguing areas for the application of Neutrino Energy Group’s current sources. In such an electric vehicle, the availability of a modest, dependable battery would only be necessary to handle peak demands. It would not need recharging from a centralized power source.

The Neutrino Energy Group’s independent financing, which allows both major shareholders and private individuals to participate in the purchase of shares in a private placement and thus contribute to the global task of creating an alternative, environmentally friendly electricity supply, demonstrates the invention’s timeliness and promise.

Author: Richard Davis

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